Welcome to the VE6KQ Website
This website has been in operation since 2006 and contains information that interests me and possibly some others.
Have been licensed since 1963 and more or less active ever since. Interest has varied over the years from weak signal work mainly on 2 meters, early satellite work, AM operation, keeping vintage equipment on the air and lately digital operations.
The vintage equipment includes the Drake twins, R4B, T4XB with the MS4 speaker, two Yaesu FT-101E's, a Kenwood TS820 that I bought new. Other equipment includes an EICO 720 transmitter with 730 plate modulator, Heathkit DX 60B with various VFO's and lots of other miscellaneous items. Other older receivers are a Trio/Kewood 9R-59D, two Realistic AX-190's, Yaesu FRG-9600, a Hallicrafters SX 122 and a Hammarlund HQ-145A.
The equipment set up now in the ham shack includes an ICOM 7300, an SDRPLAY RSP1A receiver, a 2 meter radio, Realistic scanner, FT101E and AX190 for AM operation and other miscellaneous items.
Antennas are a Mosley tri-band beam, a 40 meter inverted V, a 6 meter dipole and a 440 MHz vertical collinear.
For QSO confirmation I use eQSL.
About the Odds & Ends Tab
As indicated this tab can include just about anything and some of which are small project I have done or my evaluation of other items. When testing the performance of any item I like to qualify the measurements by indicating the test equipment I use, test procedures and listing detailed results. The aim is to provide some confidence in the test results. I find in viewing, for example, YouTube project videos most people don't do this and may put into question the test results when or if they produce test results.
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- Revised Odds & Ends page February 13, 2025. Motorola P7208 Dummy Load (Update) (PDF)
- Revised Odds & Ends page February 5, 2025. Using Wall Warts for Small Projects. (PDF)
- Revised Odds & Ends page November 2, 2024. Racal-Dana 9009 AM/FM Mod. Meter with Performance Tests. (PDF)
- Revised Odds & Ends page October 25, 2024. (Update) Current Limiting AC Receptical. (PDF)
- Revised Links page October 8, 2024.
- Revised Odds & Ends page September 28, 2024. Basic Test Equipment. (PDF)
- Revised Odds & Ends page April 26, 2024. A 10 MHz Reference Oscillator (Update). (PDF)
- Revised Odds & Ends page February 5, 2024. Checking the Output of Uninstalled Power Transformers. (PDF)
- Revised Odds & Ends page January 31, 2024. (Update) Ballantine 323 Voltmeter - Battery Substitution. (PDF)
- Revised Odds & Ends page January 27, 2024. Legacy Frequency Counters Self-Check Interpretation. (PDF)

The "Links" button on the left will direct you to some regional Ham organization websites (Alberta) and some regional and national Swap & Shops. Also included are a few favourite links.

Enter the callsign in either box below and click Go.
QRZ requires login for address information.
For Canadian callsign look-ups only, here is a link to the ISED site previously Industry Canada.
Here is a link to ClubLog.
